Who became the latest houseguest to get the boot?

 Who became the latest houseguest to get the boot?

Big Brother continued on CBS last night where another houseguest got the boot – but who was sent packing?

In the conclusion of the Veto Meeting on Day 62, Cameron was faced with the decision to keep his target on Felicia or change his target with a backdoor decision to take out Cory. In order to keep his word to the other “Fugitives,” Cameron kept the noms the same.

Before the houseguests voted to evict, Felicia and Mecole had one last chance to speak to their peers. Felicia said she hopes her journey isn’t coming to an end and she asked them to let her continue to be a part of the game.

Mecole, reminding them that she hasn’t sabotaged anyone in the game and that she can be trusted.

Julie informed the nominees that by an unanimous 7-0 vote Mecole was evicted. On her way out of the house, Mecole said that Cory, America and Bowie have an alliance and they’ll be coming for everyone else.

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