First houseguest of the summer sent packing

 First houseguest of the summer sent packing

Following on from Luke’s earlier removal from the show, Big Brother last night said goodbye to its first houseguest via a more conventional method, the house vote.

After Hisam chose not to use the power of veto, the episode begins with Kirsten and Felecia still on the block. At the live vote and eviction, 1 by 1 the houseguests filed into the diary room to cast their vote to evict. By a unanimous vote, 13-0, Kirsten became the first person evicted from the house this season.

Speaking to host, Julie Chen Moonves, Kirsten said:

“I’m really surprised. I had pretty good relationships with a lot of people in the house. I tried to get a ‘yes’ or a definitive answer from people about two to three times before I made any decisions. I made sure I checked in with them and everyone pretty much said, ‘You’re good. We got you. You got my vote.’”

Kirsten was shocked to discover about the real life connection between Jared and Cirie.

Following Kirsten’s eviction, it was time to crown a new HoH, however in a twist on proceedings, the episode ended with an empty house, whilst it appeared the houseguests had been transported to the Scary-verse as part of this weeks HoH comp.

We’ll have to wait until Sunday night to find out who will be then next HoH. Trailing ahead, Julie also teased a “never seen before” twist that promises to mix up the game.

Tune in to CBS on Sunday and stick with Big Blagger for the latest!

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