Jared and Cameron return to the Big Brother house as ‘zombies’

 Jared and Cameron return to the Big Brother house as ‘zombies’

On last Thursday’s double eviction episode, Cameron and Jared became the latest houseguests to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

However, soon after their exit Julie told the pair that they would be returning to the house as zombies. Since this is “Scary Week,” there will be no Head of Household or Power of Veto competition, but instead viewers will witness the first ever pair of “BB” zombies fighting for their chance to return to the game.

It wasn’t long after the double eviction that a new transmission arrived from the scaryverse, informing the houseguests that “BB zombies” will be arriving and that one of them will have their game resurrected.

The doorbell rang and both Jared and Cameron walked through the door in their zombie outfits. A second transmission explained that there would be no HOH, no nominations, and no POV. Instead, Jared and Cameron would get to live in the house and on Thursday instead of an eviction, they’d compete for the chance to rejoin the game.

The Scary-verse provided new information about how the comp for the zombies to re-enter the house works. Each player would need to win a “Resurrection Rumble” in order to decide whether they or the other player would compete on Thursday in a do or die competition of their own. And so, Cameron and Jared went to the backyard for their head-to-head competition. In this competition, they’d have to balance the most skulls in a shovel teeter-totter after digging them out of faux graveyards. After the 10 minute timer ran out on the first round, both players had seven skulls in their shovel.

After the first round, Jag decided to help Cameron by giving him advice. He pointed out that Cameron is wasting time watching to see if his balls are going to fall, but if they’re going to fall they will fall whether he’s watching them or not.

For the second round, Cameron had a new outlook and was hoping that in this next 10 minutes he’d be able to get all 23 of his other balls into the shovel so that they wouldn’t even have to go to a third round. A new strategy that Cameron implemented this time was to stay on his shovel rather than getting on and off. Jared went a little too hard and dropped a skull, but so did Cameron shortly after which reset both of them at zero skulls. At that point, Jared was having a tough time recovering while Cameron continued to move methodically to keep more skulls in play. When this round came to a close, Cameron was up by four with 13 total skulls compared to Jared’s nine.

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