New HoH sets Backdoor plan in motion

 New HoH sets Backdoor plan in motion

A new HoH has been crowned following Reilly’s eviction on Sunday. For this comp, one at a time, each houseguest took turns shooting a ball in the hope of getting the highest score.

With a score of 53, Felica became the new HoH, whilst also earning a punishment from the Homi-verse. She and a houseguest of her choosing have to be slimed anytime BB asks.

Seeking vengance for Reilly, Cirie approached Felicia suggesting they target Hisam.

Felicia, was originally unusure, however got on board with the plan, following a chat with Hisam where he was condescending and dismissive throughout.

At the nomination ceremony, Felicia nominated Jag and Cameron, setting the stage for the backdoor plan to evict Hisam.

The spotlight now shifts to the Power of Veto competition. Felicia confides in Cameron, hoping he’ll secure the Veto. The stakes are higher than ever as alliances are tested and strategies play out.

Who will win the PoV and will it be used to save Jag or Cameron from eviction? Tune in to #BB25 on CBS and stick with Big Blagger to find out.

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