Was the Veto used to save either Blue or America?

 Was the Veto used to save either Blue or America?

It was time for the latest Power of Veto competition of the season on last nights Big Brother, but was it used to save either Blue or America?

At the player selection, Jag picked out Matt’s chip, America picked out Felicia whilst Blue picked Bowie – this meant that Cirie was out of the draw.

Knowing that Blue is Jag’s target, but wanting her to stay in the house, Cirie was walking a fine line between getting her to not trust Jag without explicitly telling her that she’s the target.

For the Power of Veto competition, the players had to compete in private having to arrange a series of photos in chronological order. They were given clues to complete the order within the Humili-Cruise themes images.

After the competition, Cirie read the top three finishing times to reveal the winner. In third place was Bowie with 10:36. In second place was Blue with 8:00. And in first place and the winner of the Veto was Jag with 6:22. Which meant Jag has ALL the power this week once more.

Later, at the Veto meeting Jag revealed his decision to keep nominations the same, leaving both America and Blue on the chopping block. He revealed in the Diary Room that he considered naming Cirie as a nominee, but ultimately decided now is the time to get out threats like Blue.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Find out Thursday on CBS.

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