David and Nicole A on the block

 David and Nicole A on the block

Sunday’s episode opened moments after Memphis won the HoH crown. First order of business; choosing Have Nots as Memphis announced that Week 1 Have Nots would each pick a replacement for the 2nd week. Memphis went first and picked David, Ian asked for volunteers and chose Nicole F, Nicole A picked Christmas and Kevin chose Kaysar.

Next up, Memphis attempted to get as many people as possible to play in this week’s safety suite, successfully convincing Kevin to throw his hat in the ring. Commission members Tyler, Dani and Nicole F decide against playing, leaving Christmas and Cody from the alliance to take one for the team and play in the competition to avoid raising suspicions.

David, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne and Ian also decide to use their passes and participate in this week’s competition.

For this week’s Safety Suite competition, HGs had to “serve drinks at the BB Bar.” They had to deliver drinks to shakey tables and balance them, ensuring they don’t all off. The player with the fastest time won safety. 

The results are as follows:

Kevin – 2:22
Christmas – 1:38
Cody – 2:44
David – 2:53
Bayleigh – 2:48
Da’Vonne – 8:41
Ian – 3:16

Christmas won with a time of 1 minute 38 seconds and chose Ian as her plus 1, much to Memphis’ visible annoyance. 

At the nomination ceremony, Memphis chose to place David and Nicole A on the block. They will now compete in the PoV to ensure their safety for the week.

Who will win the PoV and will it be used to save either Nicole A or David from the block? Stick with Big Blagger for the latest.

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