Gr8ful shows its hateful side as lies and bullying is exposed

 Gr8ful shows its hateful side as lies and bullying is exposed

Wednesday’s  Big Brother showed just how cruel and mean this game can be. And not in a fun way.

Gr8ful became h8ful as they basically bullied another houseguest and brought them to tears. The episode picks up following Jessica and Cliff getting nominated.

The group goes upstairs for a team meeting and Nick is upset that he heard someone from his own group was talking about putting up him and Bella. Bella locks the door to the HoH and tells them it was Nicole who said Jackson, Jack, and Analyse were planning to put her and Nick up. 

Thanks to a flashback, we easily know this is a lie. In fact, Holly and Analyse called Bella a bully – not Nicole. The group pretends to be mad that Nicole would stab them in the back but in reality, Nicole was telling the truth the entire time. 

Nicole goes upstairs to the HoH but literally gets the door slammed in her face. Watching this made me so upset because it literally made you think of that time in high school when the school bullies hated you. It was not fair to Nicole, Ovi, David, or Jessica to be treated like this. I applaud CBS for truly showing the events as they happened on the live feeds.

Anyway, we head to the PoV comp, which was hosted by BB20’s Kaitlyn Herman. Kathryn smoked the comp and won the PoV. 

At the meeting, she decided to take down Jessica and after the events of the episode, it was not surprising when Nick nominated Nicole in Jessica’s place. 

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Nicole or Cliff? And which houseguest will return to the game from Camp Comeback? Find out LIVE on Thursday night at 9/8c with host Julie Chen Moonves.


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